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= For a Flourishing Community.

In 2015 the community members informed us that they felt the community needed a mortuary that would help them bury their dead and provide the necessary support for grieving families. In response, we launched a mortuary business that is providing these services to the entire Kangundo district. Our
goal is to achieve sustainable profitability to offset our health clinic's operational costs.

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Our Program Model

Kizimani’s program is to provide vocational training and then work with local entrepreneurs to provide seed funding for new business in three areas: carpentry, hair styling, and basic computer skills. 


Carpentry – There is a never ending need for carpentry services and products which pays enough to provide a living family wage. 


Hair Styling – In a small village community, there is an ongoing need for this service which enables both men and women to earn a decent living.


Basic Computer Skills – Computer skills are essential for any job, but people in impoverished communities can never afford their own computers, and many young people have never touched a keyboard. The Learning Center will provide access to basic computing skills including word processing and other programs.


Giving Opportunity

Kizimani needs $30,000 to complete the construction of the Learning Center and launch the first year of operational costs. We have a $10,000 matching challenge for this project so your gift will be doubled in value!


In 2024 Our Goals Include

Programs – Develop three well-defined vocational programs in carpentry, hair styling, and basic computer skills into jobs or profitable businesses. 


Water Business – Partner with Water4 to develop a water piping business.


Clinic Expansion – Build or partner with the new emerging hospital to provide additional revenue generating services.

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